
Any development news for TSM will be posted here! Posts will contain things like recently added features, announcements for new beta versions, what is coming in the near future, as well as general TSM-related news / commentary.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Retiring the TSM Dev Blog

This developer blog was one of the many ways I've tried to reach out to the users of TSM and gold-making community. I haven't been very regular in my posts on it (mainly cause I haven't had enough that I thought was interesting to share in the form of a blog post). So, I'm officially retiring the blog and this will be the last post. I'll still leave it up here so the old posts can still be viewed.

If you want to keep up-to-date on TSM news, you can follow me on twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/Sapu94


Monday, January 23, 2012

TradeSkillMaster Release This Week!

It's official (sort of), the release of TradeSkillMaster will be this week! Not even I know the exact day yet (but not today) and probably won't until the day it's actually released.

There's a ton of administrative things that I'll be doing before the actual release such as cleaning up the stickies on the forums which I'm working on today, getting all the localizations on curseforge up to date, updating the addon descriptions on curse, picking a logo for TSM, and helping get the new website up and running. There are also a few more things I plan on adding to the addon itself.

Stay tuned :)

PS: Insert generic "don't bet your life on this release date announcement being accurate what-so-ever" message here.